
Varying crop conditions in NW and SE Iowa

Pioneer agronomist Matt Essick found both the corn and soybean crops in O’Brien and Clay Counties in Northwest Iowa better than expected.

“Our estimates using the ProFarmer method we were anywhere between 205 and 219, so very good corn yields that we’ve seen out here,” said Essick.

Soybean pod counts in Northwest Iowa were in the 1250 to 1325 range.

Audio: Matt Essick, Pioneer Area Agronomist (3:20 MP3)

It was a different story in Southeast Iowa, where Pioneer agronomist Dennis Holland was walking fields.

“The really good areas still looking at maybe 200 bushels,” Holland said. “Then of course on down from there, some of the tougher spots are going to be going to be pretty tough with the dry weather during grain fill.”

In the areas that have received rain, Holland says soybean pod counts were really good, but in those dry areas, while pods counts are good, the concern is whether or not they’ll get enough rain for pod fill, if they don’t get rain, yields will be reduced.

Audio: Dennis Holland, Pioneer Area Agronomist (4:35 MP3)

Both Essick and Holland were participating in the ProFarmer Midwest Crop Tour.

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