Vilsack comments on rail negotiations
Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says he’s optimistic a rail strike can be averted next month.
Rail worker unions recently rejected a tentative agreement brokered by President Biden, raising the possibility of a strike.
Vilsack tells Brownfield, “They are going through the voting process now,” he said. “Six unions have voted in favor of the contract, and one has voted against the contract. But they are in the process of negotiations, so I’m confident that at the end of the day, we’ll have an agreement that will be ratified by the membership.”
A rail strike would further disrupt an already stressed supply chain, and the Association of American Railroads says it would cost the US economy $2 billion daily.
Rail unions have until mid-November to reach a new agreement. Congress could prevent a stoppage if a deal isn’t ratified by all 12 unions.
Brownfield interviewed Vilsack at the 2022 Borlaug Dialogue in Des Moines, Iowa.
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