Weed emergence ‘tended to all happen at once’
A university weed specialist says the wet spring and late season
have resulted in challenges beyond planting difficulty.
“It’s been different, for sure,” said Kevin Bradley, at the University of
Missouri Pest Management Field Day. The late season has affected weed emergence
and growth, Bradley told Brownfield Ag News.
“We generally didn’t seem to have a slow steady emergence of weeds like we
normally would in a normal year,” said Bradley. “We tended to kind of have it
all happen at once real quickly.”
The season has illustrated the importance of weed size and timely herbicide
application, said Bradley. The few who were able to get on a fall herbicide
application, he said, were at an advantage.
“They might have turned out to be in a little better boat this year, this
spring, because of the problems we had,” said Bradley.
This year also reinforces the need for pre-emergence residual herbicides, according
to Bradley.
“If you can get one on it’s going to pay for itself,” said Bradley, “particularly
in a year like this.”
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