
Wet spring, dry summer a theme for 2024

Many farmers will remember 2024 for its wet spring and dry summer.

Ron Geis with Corteva Agriscience says those conditions were problematic for weed control.

“In part, we may have washed away some of our early residual herbicides. And the other thing is not being able to get a timely postemergence application made, especially on corn just because it was wet when it was time to go.”

He tells Brownfield crops were resilient despite a lack of moisture from June through harvest.

“I’m going to say overall, the corn yields were phenomenal. But the beans, they keep telling us you need rain in August to make beans, and I think that this proved it again this year. Without that rain in August the beans were okay, but they weren’t anything to write home about.”

Geis says corn farmers struggled with several diseases this past growing season, including tar spot, northern leaf blight, and grey leaf spot.

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