What to do with dicamba on hand
Growers and custom applicators with dicamba herbicide on-farm are encouraged to contact their ag retailer immediately.
Minnesota Department of Agriculture pesticide and fertilizer management division director Joshua Stamper says unused XtendiMax, Engenia, and FeXapan could be returned.
“Because even if next year there is another registration for these products, the label for the product that you have will not be current. So growers will need to speak to their retailers, and potentially get more guidance from the registrants of these products.”
He cautions growers not to immediately dispose of unused dicamba.
“This is a fluid situation and things might change, so I would not encourage anyone to take this to their hazardous waste disposal program if their county has a cooperative agreement with household hazardous waste for disposal of ag chemicals.”
Stamper does encourage growers to talk with a crop consultant about weed management alternatives in light of the court ruling on dicamba.
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