
Wisconsin goes 1 year without HPAI

It’s been a year since Wisconsin’s last case of highly pathogenic avian influenza, but the state’s veterinarian urges producers to keep strong biosecurity measures in place.

Wisconsin State Veterinarian Dr. Darlene Konkle

Dr. Darlene Konkle tells Brownfield, “Our producers have been doing a great job so far keeping it out, and we’re trying to remind everybody to keep up the good work.”

Konkle says the virus is still out there. “It’s still circulating, not at the same levels we think as, you know, over a year ago in 2022 but we’re still seeing some wild bird detections in the upper Midwest. Of course, we’re still in the time of year when wild waterfowl are migrating through.”

Konkle says washing hands and not using the same outerwear and boots to multiple facilities helps. “A change of coveralls, a change of boots, so that you’re not tracking mud or places where that virus can be around the farm. Some commercial operations might have much more extensive biosecurity protocols including rules for showering in and showering out.”

Konkle says her department has biosecurity information on its website, and they link to USDA information as well to help producers prevent the virus from affecting their flocks. 

Wisconsin’s last case of highly pathogenic avian influenza was at two Jefferson County facilities November 7th of 2022 where 180-thousand birds had to be depopulated.  Several HPAI cases have been reported in neighboring Iowa and Minnesota this fall. There are also cases in Missouri and South Dakota.

AUDIO: Dr. Darlene Konkle discusses highly pathogenic avian influenza and biosecurity with Brownfield’s Larry Lee

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