Special Report

NPB helps consumers adjust to higher prices

Retail prices for pork are going up and the National Pork Board is working to help consumers adjust.

Pork Board CEO Chris Novak says the impact of pig deaths caused by PEDv is the driver.  He says retailers that stocked up ahead are better positioned to offer better prices.  His advice to consumers is shop around.  Novak tells Brownfield Ag News, “Look ahead to see what’s coming because, clearly, when our industry has lost close to 10% of the number of pigs that we otherwise would bring to market that shortage of supply is going to have an effect on consumer prices.”

Novak says there are still good prices and value to be had on pork, “From our standpoint, loins and chops are under-priced yet. We’d love to be able to add a little more value. So, hopefully, those consumer should still be seeing the VALUE for loins and chops in the grocery store.”

He says the Pork Board is working with retailers this summer on special deals and promotions that will benefit consumers.

Interview with Chris Novak (18:00 mp3)

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