Special Report

PRRS work informs PEDv management

Reid Phillips, BIVI PRRS Manager during World Pork Expo

Reid Phillips, BIVI PRRS Manager, during World Pork Expo

Battling Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) in the swine industry for the past 20 years could help when it comes to managing the latest swine disease, the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv). Reid Phillips, Technical Manager for PRRS with Boehringer Ingelheim (B-I), is also a veterinarian.  He tells Brownfield Ag News, “It was a disease that was unforgiving. It was a disease that challenged us. I think we had to learn a lot in a relatively short period of time. It was also a disease that would spank us if we made shortcuts.”

Phillips says PRRS has made veterinarians better and has led the way to many improvements including better biosecurity, “To help control or mitigate transmissions risks for PRRS. I think it’s going to help us with PED and maybe the next virus.”

B-I has three swine vaccines for PRRS.  He tells Brownfield its “all hands on board” working on a vaccine for PEDv.

Interview with Reid Phillips (6:00 mp3)

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