Brownfield Ag News and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association are partnering to provide the nation’s cattle producers with information to help them better manage risk and protect their bottom line.
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The Bottom Line on Brownfield is brought to you by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. This webinar series takes a closer look at ways cattle producers can manage their risk and maximize their return on investment. From on-farm labor to processing, low unemployment rates are creating labor bottlenecks in rural America. Competition for pastureland from other sectors are adding to producer concerns. In this episode National Cattlemen’s Beef Association president Todd Wilkinson of South Dakota and president-elect Mark Eisele of Wyoming sit down at the conclusion of NCBA’s 2023 Summer Business Meeting to talk about the farm bill, legislative issues and some of the headwinds facing cattle producers in the upcoming year. The group also discuss some of the opportunities ahead for producers.
In this episode, Meghan talks with University of Missouri livestock economist Scott Brown and Don Close, Chief Research & Analytics Officer for Terrain to take a closer look at how labor challenges and land prices impact the cattle industry.
In this episode, Meghan takes a closer look at ways cattle producers can manage their risk and maximize their return on investment. This episode focuses on genetics.
In this episode, Meghan talks with Economists Scott Brown and Lee Schulz and Meteorologist Matt Makens to discuss an outlook on the weather as well as tips producers can use to mitigate risk.
In the first episode, Meghan is joined with NCBA’s Ethan Lane and Tanner Beymer, along with Terrain’s Don Close to kick of the series. The talk Farm Bill, Risk Management, and a brief outlook for 2023.
In this episode, Meghan talks with economists Scott Brown and Kenny Burdine. They talk about risk protection and risk management with a focus on livestock.