Cyndi's Two Cents
Count your blessings
For so many of us in agriculture, 2019 has been a year we would like to forget. Yet during this time of Thanksgiving, surely there is something worth remembering. There is certainly much for which I am thankful.
About this time each year I pen a column listing some of those blessings in my life. The deep and meaningful friendships, my loving family, a challenging and rewarding career and continued good health remain at the top of my list. My eyesight is no longer 20/20 and conversations with my husband frequently consist of a few more “what did you say?” and “I can’t hear you” than they did once upon a time, but I know I am blessed to have these senses.
In recent days I have relished time spent in my deer stand. Although I enjoy hunting deer, I savor the time spent watching the two mature bald eagles tangling with one another in flight, apparently fighting over territory. Through my binoculars I can clearly see a third and younger bird whose size gives him up as an eagle although the feathers of his head and tail are not yet white.
There are days when I think I should not “waste” time in my deer stand when I could be productive doing some other mindless chore that will no doubt need to be done again very soon. I have almost talked myself out of going to the deer stand to complete a project that could be done the next day. I am thankful that I have made progress in bringing more work/life balance to my life.
I’m blessed with a beautiful piece of land where we live and raise cattle. Sometimes it’s difficult to leave. There are days when I dread my 40-minute drive to the office for work, but the scenery God has painted for me over hills and along the river on that ribbon of highway is truly spectacular.
Being a maker of lists, it was relatively easy for me to jump on the bandwagon with those who committed to sharing on social media those things for which they are thankful each day for 30 days. I wasn’t quite up to the task. I made the list but did not share it on social media. Reviewing the list, I know exactly what had happened that day to make me write what I did.
One day last month I had a business trip to Milwaukee. Along with a co-worker, we flew to Chicago and rented a car to drive to Milwaukee. The return trip was a travel nightmare. It had started to rain in Milwaukee which quickly changed to sleet then snow then sleet again as we drove to Chicago. We had 5 gate changes at O’Hare airport and spent more than 2 hours in the airplane before finally getting off the ground. After an hour-long drive, I arrived safely albeit exhausted at home at 1:30 am. The wind was such that I felt it pushing against my Chevy Equinox as I drove, spotting more deer along the roadside than I could count. For my list entry the next day I wrote I am thankful for safe passage in challenging conditions.
After watching a documentary about life in a refugee camp in Jordan, I wrote I am thankful I was born and raised in the United States of America.
I hope you enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving and holiday season.
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