
Still mild, dry across the Corn Belt

On the Plains, beneficial rain is ending across Montana and the Dakotas, where cool, breezy weather prevails. Across the southern half of the Plains, warm, dry weather is maintaining concerns about the deteriorating conditions of summer crops and immature winter wheat.

Across the Corn Belt, showers and thunderstorms across the upper Midwest are slowing soybean planting but providing highly beneficial moisture for summer crops. Meanwhile, warm, dry air is expanding across the central and eastern Corn Belt, where pockets of unfavorable dryness exist.

In the South, showers continue to ease or eradicate drought in the southern Mid-Atlantic States. In contrast, worsening drought is adversely affecting pastures and summer crops in the Mid-South, including the northern Mississippi Delta.

In the West, cool weather in California and the Northwest contrasts with lingering heat in the Southwest. Scattered rain and high-elevation snow showers accompany the Northwestern cool spell.

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