
NCGA calls on Congress to pass Farm Bill before going home

The National Corn Growers Association is calling on Congress to pass the Farm Bill before heading home.

In a letter to House and Senate Ag Committee leaders, NCGA president Kevin Skunes says a new farm bill would provide certainty to farmers during increasingly uncertain times for agriculture.

With the current Farm Bill expiring Sunday, Skunes asked that partisan differences be put aside and for common ground, adding there is no good reason the task of passing a new farm bill can’t be completed on time.

NCGA CEO Jon Doggett tells Brownfield Congress needs to hear from Rural America before and after September 30th.

“It’s time to speak up and start demanding some action.  We don’t have a Farm Bill done, so I think the members of Congrss need to be hearing about some unhappiness from folks back home.”

The NCGA letter also highlighted the importance of the Farm Bill’s Foreign Market Development program, which the Association says would lose vital resources if a new bill is not completed by September 30th.





  • I think the unhappiness of the American public would be pretty easy to see if any member of Congress asked the citizens they represent. Take a look on the internet, do a google search, look at the failing farms and struggling rural communities, look at the huge import of hemp that could be turned into a boom for American farmers. It is NOT hard. Ive been online exactly 5 minutes this morning and have been able to do a google search on the status of the bill. Im guessing that every member of Congress has internet capabilities or the support of staff that can relay feedback from the masses affected by the things this bill will reconcile. Add me to the list of citizens who want to see this 2018 Farm Bill signed swiftly.

  • Yes, been waiting on hemp to be legalized federally for a while so I can start farming.Kentucky and Tn are gonna get a jump on the Alabama farmers

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