
Use peripheral vision

It does me no good to close my eyes, ears or mind to those whose perspective opposes mine. I am certainly not suggesting that listening to the charismatic leader of an animal rights activist group is something I enjoy or look forward to, but I do believe that knowledge is power. If I am reactionary and accusatory without listening to the total message then I am doing myself and my industry a disservice.

It amazes me that there are still people in the agriculture industry who find fault with news organizations for seeking out interviews with the leadership of groups like Humane Society of the United States (HSUS.)

I am a firm believer that a good journalist covers the entire story, allowing the consumer of that news to reach their own conclusions based on the information presented to them. Without that balance, you are not a credible news source.

(By the way, this is not a balanced news story. This is 100% my opinion.)


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