
The new food morality

Animal activist organizations like PETA, HSUS and Farm Sanctuary have been using religion as a tool to promote the ideology of animal welfare ethics.  Dr. Nelson Kloosterman, an ethics consultant with Worldview Resources International told attendees of the Midwest Pork Conference many activist organizations fail to differentiate between pet animals and farm animals. What happens, Kloosterman says is activist organizations use the bible to transfer compassion and mercy and kindness from pets to farm animals.  Which ultimately means: “don’t eat them”.

Kloosterman says the general public’s lack of knowledge about religion collides with the public’s unfamiliarity with production agriculture.  When that happens, he says, consumers can easily be coerced into believing it is immoral to eat meat.  Kloosterman says one thing the industry can do in terms of religion is to advance and advocate the true biblical message about what is called “human exceptionalism” (people are not dogs and dogs are not people).  “People are unique,” he adds.  “They have particular character and qualities that come from the unique composition and creation.”

Kloosterman tells Brownfield the agriculture industry should not be afraid of religion and using its truths to honor and defend a noble profession. 


  • Since PETA, HSUS and simialr groups are mostly run by pagans and atheists, any church that gets involved with them is perverting the mission and message for which the assembly was created.

  • Note; A Democrat, Corzine represented New Jersey in the Senate from 2001 through 2005. He later served as the state’s governor. Before entering politics, he was CEO of Goldman Sachs from 1994 to 1999.
    The former U.S. senator was subpoenaed before the House Agriculture Committee,to explain how MF Global, which he led for about 20 months, collapsed into the eighth-largest bankruptcy in U.S. history and why an estimated $1.2 billion in client funds remains unaccounted for.

    * Look at what has and is passing from this present government & their related groups; attacks on livestock, attacks on dust, the labor of family farm kids being made illegal, loss of irrigation water in some areas, farmland prices going up faster than methane gas in a manure pit. Now $1.2 billion dollar$ MIA that will cripple many farmers and ranchers. * My prediction 2 years ago still stands, this government wants to nationalize all the farms in the the USA. But first they must cripple as many farmers as they can, to weaken them, to lower their numbers of those who will object.

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