
Animal care proposal advances in MO House

A move in the Missouri legislature to protect livestock care practices has gained some traction. A resolution supported by the Missourians for Animal Care Coalition passed the Missouri House last week. Missouri Farm Bureau’s legislative director Leslie Holloway says the intent is, “To try to ensure that additional restrictions on raising animals, whether it be livestock or dogs or whatever the case may be, are under the jurisdiction of the General Assembly rather than interests that might come in from out of state such as the Humane Society of the United States.”

If passed by the Senate, the animal care constitutional amendment would go before Missouri voters in November when an HSUS-backed ballot proposal cracking down on dog breeders is expected to also be in front of voters.

AUDIO: Leslie Holloway, Missouri Farm Bureau Director of State and Local Governmental Affairs (7 min., MP3)

  • At least the Missouri people will get a chance to vote on any legislature that is presented.
    People that mistreat animals should be stopped, fined, etc. but here is where the issue is: what constitutes mistreatment of animals in the minds of people who have no idea what it takes to run a dairy farm, a kennel, a stable, feed, and care for the animals etc.
    Being an old farm boy who did not abuse animals, we just used them, ate them, or used the by-products from them. We did not abort human babies, we did not kill animals except for food. If a dog got uncontrolable and dangerous he was shot and buried. If a bull killed someone, he didn;t get a 2nd chance to do so.
    , tough steak, but good hamburger. We plucked chickens by hand, scolded hogs and scraped the hair off, shot beef and skinned, and butchered them, shot rabbits and squirrels, skinned, fixed and ate them. on and on! My point is that anyone who has any influence with legislation concerning animal abuse, should 1st and foremost have to work for their food.

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