Feed ingredient supplier extra cautious because of African swine fever
A feed ingredient supplier is taking every precaution to prevent the introduction of African swine fever on American soil.
Nathan Horn with BioMatrix International says the company has become “extra diligent” as the disease spreads throughout Asia and parts of Europe.
“We ensure we have no product from China that we’re marketing, which we haven’t. So that’s not an issue. And we go above and beyond anything that’s required for quarantine from European countries.”
He tells Brownfield BioMatrix–headquartered in Princeton, Minnesota–is also very cautious about international visitors.
“We meet with them off-site.”
There’s speculation African swine fever has wiped out a third of China’s domestic hog herd. However, Chinese officials claim losses are between 20 and 25 percent.
While ASF is extremely contagious in swine, it poses no health risk to humans.
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