
Minnesota farmer inter-seeds cover crops during side-dress


A west-central Minnesota farmer inter-seeded cover crops while side-dressing corn this summer.

Brian Ryberg of Buffalo Lake mounted a Hiniker seed box and drill to his nitrogen tool bar, then fastened a drag section behind each coulter to achieve seed-to-soil contact.

He says they selected annual plant species that go into summer dormancy.

“Once the corn canopy starts to die and leaves begin to fall off, it opens up for all the sunshine to get in there for the cover crop to take off and grow.  So by the time we come to harvest, we think we’ll have an average of a 6 to 10 inch tall canopy to serve its purpose.”

The mix includes rye grass, brassicas, rapeseed, turnips and radish.

He tells Brownfield cover crops have reduced erosion and compaction, improving overall soil health.

Ryberg is using Innovation Grant funds provided by the Minnesota Corn Growers as he hopes to eventually incorporate cover crops on 100 percent of his acres.









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