
The Missouri Drive to Feed Kids kicks off

The Missouri Drive to Feed Kids has a goal to help provide 2.1 million meals for food insecure people in 2023. Missouri Farmers Care Executive Director Ashley McCarty says local farmers and ranchers can help. “The opportunities to participate involve generally supporting the drive and all of the efforts we have to bring together youth, Missouri agriculture leaders and partners.” This includes donating through Missouri 4-H, the Missouri Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers and at the Missouri State Fair. Also, the Hogs for Hunger program, which encourages Missouri hog farmers and 4-H and FFA exhibitors to donate a local hog to be processed and donated to a Feeding Missouri food pantry. “They can take hogs to their local USDA or state-inspected meat processor and then, we reimburse the cost of processing, up to $1.25 per pound. They can then choose whichever Feeding Missouri food pantry they want for the protein to go to.” The Drive to Feed Kids is a partnership between Missouri Farmers Care, ADM and Brownfield Ag News.

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