
USDA announces rural energy grants

The USDA is awarding $285 million in infrastructure grants that expand renewable energy across rural areas.

Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says the nearly 850 Rural Energy for America projects support renewable energy systems and improve the efficiency of agricultural production and processing.

“This $285 million is in the form of $40.4 million in grants and it’s providing loan guarantees for $244 million,” he says.

He points to one of the smaller grants of $16,000 awarded to Marzen Family in Iowa.

“They’re going to use this to install a more energy-efficient grain drying system which they expect and hope will save about $8,100 in energy costs per year,” he shares.

Vilsack says an additional $300 million is available, including $250 million from the Inflation Reduction Act, for grants and loans.

“We’re encouraging everyone to take full advantage of this historic opportunity to continue to expand significantly to expand rural energy,” he says.

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