Special Report

Scientists believe PEDV came from China

According to a Reuters report, veterinary scientists at Virginia Tech believe they have traced the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) outbreak to China.  But they say the exact source and how it arrived in the United States are still a mystery.

China experienced a PEDV outbreak nearly three years ago.

There is no definitive data yet of how many animals have died in the U.S. from PEDV as farmers are not required to report PEDV outbreaks.

As of early October, there had been 768 confirmed cases reported in 18 states, according to data compiled by state university diagnostic laboratories and federal officials.  Each reported case could represent thousands of infected animals.

Veterinary researchers and U.S. Department of Agriculture officials say that PEDV does not pose a threat to human health, nor to food safety.

  • We pretty well knew where it came from several months ago. The big question is, how did it get here from China?

    Never let a good conspiracy theory go to waste.

  • The more we trade with China and other countries that do not have our same standards the more we are going to see new and deadly diseases. The same applies to sending food products (chicken) to China for processing to be returned to the U.S. as food. It also applies to the practice of rescueing animals mostly dogs from countries like China and third world countries and bringing them to the U.S., they bring a multitud of diseases with them that our vets have never seen. We are indangering our animals and ourselves buy not requiring the same standards we have here form our trading partners..

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