Cyndi's Two Cents

A rising tide carries all boats


Last week, the Missouri legislature voiced support of farmers and ranchers by passing the Right to Farm referendum. This proposed constitutional amendment, designed with the intent to protect farmers from out-of-state activists, will next year be submitted to voters of Missouri for adoption or rejection:

Section 35. That agriculture which provides food, energy, health benefits, and security is the foundation and stabilizing force of Missouri’s economy. To protect this vital sector of Missouri’s economy, the right of farmers and ranchers to engage in farming and ranching practices shall be forever guaranteed in this state, subject to duly authorized powers, if any, conferred by article VI of the Constitution of Missouri.

This is pretty straightforward language. Lawmakers and representatives from numerous agricultural organizations rolled up their sleeves and worked together to craft an amendment designed to preserve and protect farming and ranching in Missouri. In the words of House Speaker Pro Tem, Jason Smith, “Four out of four people eat, and this measure would only enhance and preserve Missourians’ food choices and security.”

State Representative Bill Reiboldt stated “This industry is responsible for providing jobs to hundreds of thousands of Missourians, as well as providing food security for, not only our state, but a significant portion of the country. We cannot simply sit on the sidelines as special interest groups such as HSUS attempt to kill the industry in our state as they have in so many of our neighbors.”

In addition to the regular media channels, social media outlets “lit up” with posts and tweets about lawmaker support of Right to Farm.

I love the fact that social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter open the door for conversations among the like-minded and the not-so-like-minded. I dislike the fact that social media platforms are often used by those with no knowledge about a subject to stir up a whirlwind of fear, distrust and even hate.

Scanning Facebook the day after Right to Farm passed, I noticed a post by an acquaintance. She wrote: “Monsanto backed agenda? Is this going to help our small, organic growers and producers or will it hurt them? I’m curious.”

I had to breathe deeply, take a walk, and rewrite my response several times because I was so frustrated with the post.

This is not a big versus small issue. This shouldn’t be us versus them. I find no mention of Monsanto or any other agricultural company in this proposed amendment. I believe a rising tide carries all boats. There are some false prophets who mask themselves as supporters of animal welfare, when in reality, they don’t eat meat and they don’t want you to have the right – the choice – eat meat. They don’t care that our cattle are treated humanely. They don’t think we have a right to own cattle. They believe an animal has the same inherent rights as a person. These same groups don’t believe that you have the right to have a pet.

I believe Right to Farm will protect all farmers and ranchers by enshrining their freedom to produce. How a farmer decides to grow or raise food – organic or conventional – should be up to them and not outside forces.

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