Cyndi's Two Cents

Love my country

I love my country and am grateful that our founding fathers included important amendments to the U.S. Constitution. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” is my favorite, although I must admit I grow tired of some of the free speaking I hear and read. I am tired of the incessant mud-slinging and ridiculous accusations.

The reason our country became a country in the first place was because people living here were concerned with their rights. The right to practice religion however they wished brought the first settlers from England to America. Sometimes we get so caught up in the “He said – She said” that goes with political positioning prior to an election that we forget why we are electing these people in the first place.

We owe it to ourselves to step away from the fire and think about what we want from our leaders. This thought process should apply at every level of government, from the senators we are sending to Washington, D.C. to the county prosecutor, from the governor to the school board member. Our forefathers turned the responsibility of this country and its people over to its people – you and me. What an awesome gift they have given us. What a great opportunity for us to provide a solid future for the next generation.

Few if any candidates will hold exactly the same beliefs as you do. Even my husband and I disagree on some political issues. Do your homework. Find out what the candidate stands for and opposes. If you are researching an incumbent, review his or her voting record. Don’t jump to a conclusion because of something you hear in a radio or television ad. Ask questions of all candidates.

We’ve watched elected leaders walk out of some statehouses and our nation’s capital in handcuffs. We’ve seen others head off to rehab, which seems to be the best place to hide until things cool down a bit. There are bad people in this world and we have elected a few of them to positions where they display poor judgment, lie, cheat, steal and/or commit unthinkable crimes.

There are also good people in this world. There are a lot of good, Christian values at work in government. Yes, I said Christian. The separation of church and state that is spoken of was not put in place to keep God out of government. It was put in place to keep our government from deciding that we all have to be Presbyterians or Catholics or Evangelicals. If there was ever a time in the history of our world when a little church is needed, it would be now.

I believe that evil is alive and well in this world and we are being given the opportunity to elect leaders who will uphold the rights granted Americans in our constitution.

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