
Brownfield Ag Weather Today

During an upcoming period of volatility, various parts of the country will endure extreme weather, including blizzard conditions, high winds, and lower temperatures.  Over the next 5 days, the primary storm track will extend northeastward from the Southwest.  The leading storm system, already crossing the southern Plains, should reach the middle Atlantic Coast by Saturday night, with accumulating snow expected to be heaviest (locally 6 to 12 inches or more) in the Northeast.  The trailing system, expected to be stronger than the first, will traverse the central and southern Plains on Monday before reaching the lower Great Lakes region by Tuesday night.  The most significant snow- and wind-related impacts with next week’s storm system should extend from the central and southern Plains into the Northeast, while the north-central U.S. will remain unscathed.  Farther south, both storm systems will produce heavy showers and locally severe thunderstorms, with 5-day rainfall totals reaching 2 to 6 inches from the central Gulf Coast into the middle and southern Atlantic States. 

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