
AEM is urging lawmakers to consider global issues impacting the industry

A leader with the Association of Equipment Manufacturers says the organization is closely monitoring geopolitical challenges facing the industry.

Kip Eideberg is the senior vice president of government and industry relations with AEM.

“One thing we have been tracking as an industry with greater interest and concern is the general geopolitical realignment that is going on right now whether it is the Russian invasion of Ukraine, what we’re seeing domestically in China, or ‘saber rattling; by North Korea,” he says.

He tells Brownfield these issues are impacting the U.S. equipment manufacturing industry.   

“While it may not impact equipment manufacturing or U.S. manufacturing directly, it certainly does impact us whether it’s putting additional stress on global supply chains; greater uncertainty in global financial markets; and it’s certainly impacting global food security for a lot of people around the world.”

Eideberg says he is hopeful lawmakers will address some of the challenges after the election.

“It is our hope beyond just tending to the many needs of this country that our lawmakers will look outward and work with strategic partners and allies around the world to try to address some of those bigger challenges because they will have an impact on Americans across the country and our industry as well,” he says.  

The equipment manufacturing industry supports 2.8 million jobs and contributes $288 billion a year to the U.S. economy.

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