
Alfalfa growth coming along, but so are weevils

Alfalfa has rapidly developed the past two weeks across much of the Upper Midwest.

Iowa State University Extension field agronomist Angie Rieck-Hinz says stands did not respond to a cool, wet April.

“Things have been kind of slow, at least in my opinion in north central Iowa in terms of alfalfa growth, cover crop growth, and pasture growth. But with some recent warm temperatures and the rain, our alfalfa is really starting to take off.”

She tells Brownfield recent scouting revealed some alfalfa weevils.

“I also found pea aphids in one of those fields. I’m not really concerned about the pea aphids at this point in time. But we’ve had enough Growing Degree Day Units that we are seeing alfalfa weevils hatch, and so I think if people want to start scouting now is a great time to do that.”

University of Minnesota Extension Integrated Pest Management specialist Bruce Potter says alfalfa in southwest Minnesota is 12 to 14 inches tall right now and there’s about one adult weevil for every sweep.

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