
Bayer pulls NemaStrike seed treatment for 2020

Bayer says it will not be selling its NemaStrike seed treatment for the 2020 growing season, citing ongoing safety concerns.

The company says the product, which is designed to protect crops against nematodes, has caused skin irritations with some individuals who have handled the product.

This is the second time that sales of NemaStrike have been put on hold. Similar concerns over skin irritations delayed the launch of the product in 2018.

Bayer, in a statement provided to Brownfield, did not indicate its future plans for the technology.

Statement from Bayer: 

“After a careful assessment of the applicator and grower experience in 2019, Bayer has made the decision that NemaStrike™ Technology will not be offered broadly in 2020 for corn, cotton or soybeans. While the vast majority of applicators and grower customers had a positive experience with NemaStrike Technology this year, a limited number of individuals experienced skin irritations after handling Acceleron® NemaStrike ST or seed treated with the product. While this was a small number relative to the total number of users, we strive to ensure a positive user experience for all our customers and therefore decided to take this action.

We will provide additional information to our customers in the coming weeks, including which alternative products will be available for the 2020 planting season. NemaStrike Technology has demonstrated consistent yield protection performance of 5+ bu/acre in corn, 2+ bu/acre in soybean, and 80 lbs lint/acre in cotton on average in the U.S. over five years of field trials. This technology offers significant value to growers, and we are committed to evaluating options to improve the user experience.”

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