
Campaign highlights need, importance for farm bill in 2023

A new campaign is highlighting the broad reach of the farm bill and the importance of finishing it in 2023.

Kari Barbic with American Farm Bureau Federation says the goal is to reach the general public about the legislation’s broad impact. “It’s important in protecting America’s food security and supporting job growth and job security, as well as, advancing our sustainability efforts on the farm, and ensuring farmers can stock America’s pantries and participate in providing those programs.”

AFBF and 20 groups – wildlife, environmental and other agriculture groups- are promoting “Farm Bill for America’s Families,” which includes several messages to Congress.  

Barbic tells Brownfield the campaign advances the work the industry is doing to share agriculture’s story with consumers. “They’re eager to hear that farm story, and hear what farmers and ranchers are doing to care for the land, care for their animals and to produce food in a safe and sustainable way.  Discussions around the farm bill are another opportunity to share that story.”

She says it highlights five main components that should be included: food security, job creation, conservation, risk management and addressing hunger.

Kari Barbic, communications director with AFBF:

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