
Do you need to replant?

Extension educators say there are several factors to consider before replanting damaged soybean fields.

Shawn Conley with the University of Wisconsin says research suggests early planting of soybeans should take place between April 10th and April 24th in the North Central Region.

“Unless there’s some pretty significant damage, we really strongly encourage farmers to plant into an existing stand,” he recommends.  “Those 40,000 plants would have a higher yield potential because they’re planting planted anywhere from a week to 2 weeks earlier.”

Laura Lindsey with Ohio State University says there’s also a yield tradeoff between planting corn or soybeans after about April 20th.

“Yield does decline as you plant later, but that decline is steeper for corn compared to soybeans, so when you’re thinking about replanting also think what other crops need to be planted that year, and what fields have yet to be planted,” she suggests.

Manni Singh with Michigan State University says give fields at least a week to recover because replanting and repairing come with additional costs.

“Even if you have some insurance, there is still time involved and then there’s equipment and other deprecation costs, soybeans can be pretty forgiving,” he explains.

Hail, frost, slugs, or animal damage along with flooding, soil crusting, or chemical drift could all cause injuries that eventually lead to a replanting decision.

Educators recently presented as part of the Science for Success webinar series on early season soybean success and a national extension publication on “Soybean Plant Stands – Is Replanting Necessary.”

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