
Farmers tackle climate change with conservation practices

The president of Solutions from the Land says more farmers are adopting conservation practices.

Ernie Shea says climate-smart ag can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, sequester carbon, and limit disruptions to global food security progress.

“When we’re farming with no-till and cover crops we are increasing soil organic content and sinking a lot of carbon into the ground. So, that’s a greenhouse gas solution,” Shea said. “We’re controlling erosion, and we’re improving the capacity of farmland to store water.”

He tells Brownfield farmers need to be at the forefront of the climate conversation.

“It’s a win-win for the farmers and for the environment,” Shea said. “You have an opportunity to protect the resource base, enhance the productivity, and improve soil health,” Shea said. “And it helps you be a more successful farmer.”

Shea says the organization helps farmers make informed decisions when managing new risks under changing conditions.

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