
Grassley angry with USDA over GIPSA rule

Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa agrees with the CEO of R-CALF USA about the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw the GIPSA rule. Grassley learned about the action Tuesday on his conference call with reporters, “They’re just pandering to big corporations. They aren’t interested in the family farmers! And, the USDA is the U.S. Department of Agriculture, not the U.S. Department of big business, Big Agribusiness!”

Grassley says the U.S. Department of Agriculture is supposed to help the family farmer. Bill Bullard of R-CALF says the administration has gotten this wrong, “It’s pretty clear now that Secretary Perdue did not get President Trump’s memo about draining the swamp. Instead, Sonny Perdue has listened to the entrenched corporate associations and their high paid lobbyists.”

Grassley, too, made a “drain the swamp” reference, using the phrase President Trump used about Washington, DC during his campaign, “U.S. Department of Agriculture is one of the nicer areas where you don’t have to drain the swamp, but this is a perfect example of a swamp that’s being refilled by withdrawing these rules!”

Grassley said he would urge the USDA to enforce the GIPSA rules as written by then-Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack in 2016. Bullard says R-CALF will go to Congress to encourage lawmakers to include the protections for livestock producers in the withdrawn rule in the 2018 Farm Bill.

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