
Managing feed cost vs. profiting on crops

A central Missouri farmer is deciding between managing cattle feed costs and capitalizing on a strong soybean market.

Bill Betteridge tells Brownfield he’s expecting a hay crunch.

“When you have beans at the price they are, it’s just hard to devote any of that ground to hay,” the Cooper County farmer said. “I don’t know when the cattle sell off or the cow numbers are going to come down but it’s going to be really hard for a fellow to put pencil to paper and keep a bunch of cows going forward.”

Betteridge said his plan is to lean more towards soybeans after wheat but…

“Some acres that we have typically devoted to beans, we’re probably going to have to sow some sudangrass or something to compensate there.”

He said wheat harvest dates will also impact what he plants behind it.

Bill Betteridge Interview

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