
NCGA president wants more robust farm bill

The president of the National Corn Growers Association wants to see a more robust farm bill.

Tom Haag, who farms in central Minnesota, suggests the baseline needs to be bigger to fund the many important programs.

“We don’t want to all of a sudden say ‘let’s rob Peter to pay Paul.’ That doesn’t help solve the situation (so) we need to see if there’s some extra money to see if, you know, there’s something they can do with reference pricing, increase that.”

He says the 2023 Farm Bill should also maintain flexibility for the commodity title programs.

“With ARC and PLC, in the last farm bill they let us change after three years we could have choice of flip-flopping (between) ARC and PLC. So we want to keep that in there.”

And Haag says the biggest priority for NCGA is protecting crop insurance in the next farm bill.

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