
Nebraska ag leaders, farmers highlight National Ag Week through economic impact

Ag leaders and farmers across Nebraska are celebrating the economic impact agriculture has on the state.

Mark McHargue is a farmer from Central City and the Nebraska Farm Bureau President. “For everybody that lives in Nebraska, Nebraska brings in more income off of agriculture than any other state when it comes to per person or people in Nebraska.”

Dave Nielsen, a farmer from Waverly, says his expenses adds value to the economic impact of his community.  “Total expenses on our farm run from $1-1.5 million with over 90 percent of that outlay spend in Nebraska and primarily within a 30-mile radius of our farm.”

Frontier Cooperative CEO Jeremy Wilhelm says farmer demand for more grain storage is making him invest in his facilities. “Annually we spend in Eastern Nebraska between $15 to $20 million to expand them and really that’s given us access to new markets for the farmers.”

The three made their comments earlier this week at a new conference hosted by Nebraska Farm Bureau Foundation.

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