
NEFB slams EPA’s pesticide proposal

The Nebraska Farm Bureau says EPA’s pesticide proposal is an out-of-touch policy that could increase limitations and regulations on herbicides that have been proven safe and effective. 

President Mark McHargue tells Brownfield producers would have to change certain agriculture practices to meet new label requirements, which would be based on a point system. “This is ridiculous. This is overreaching. It’s going to restrict the tools that are available for farmers or ranchers to use to control weeds and pests on their field.”

He says the proposal is not science-based and would be cumbersome for producers to follow. “You get ready to go out there and spray, there’s going to be a lot more things you’re going to have to consider. I mean, we already consider wind and humidity and some of those types of things that we’ve been doing for a lot of times, but there will be a whole list of things relative to your geographical area.”

The Draft Herbicide Strategy Framework requires producers to spray buffer zones required for ground and aerial applications, use larger spray droplet sizes, reduce application rates and limit certain areas for pesticide use.

NEFB is encouraging producers to submit comments to the agency until October 22.

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