New member joins Wisconsin’s ag board
Wisconsin’s Governor has appointed a new member to the board overseeing the Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection. Tony Evers selected Dr. Clare Hintz from Herbster to take the place of Kurt Hallstrand of Prentice.
Hintz operates Elsewhere Farm near Lake Superior, which raises fruits and nuts on five acres, rare-breed pigs and chickens, and gardens with produce for winter and summer community-supported agriculture markets.
Governor Evers also re-appointed Seneca Foods CEO Paul Palmby and former Wisconsin Corn Growers Association president Doug Rebout to the board.
The DATCP board members serve six-year terms. The other board members are Chair Miranda Leis from CROPP Cooperative and Organic Valley in LaFarge, Paul Bauer from the Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery, potato and vegetable grower Andy Diercks from Coloma, dairy farmer and National Farmers Union Vice President Patty Edelburg from Amherst Junction, CEO Dan smith from Cooperative Network, and Carla Washington from the Sojourner Family Peace Center in Milwaukee.
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