
October red meat production a little bit above last year

Commercial red meat production during October was up slightly on the year at 4.757 billion pounds.

Beef was reported at 2.404 billion pounds, 2% higher than October 2021 with a 2% rise in the slaughter to 2,902,100 head canceling out a one pound loss in the average live weight at 1,375 pounds.

The October’s dairy cow slaughter was 252,800 head, 7,700 below the previous month and 3,400 under last year, with the year-to-date total at 2,530,100 head, 63,100 behind 2021.

Pork came out at 2.259 billion pounds, 1% lower than last year with a 1% decline in slaughter to 10,918,500 head, while the average live weight held steady at 288 pounds.

For the year to date, U.S. commercial red meat production is 46.209 billion pounds, a little bit slower than the year ago pace, with a 2% decrease for pork against a 2% increase for beef.

The USDA’s next set of red meat production estimates is out December 9th.

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