
Sunflower crop maturing rapidly

Ranch sunflower

The sunflower crop is rapidly maturing in the region where the majority of acres are grown.

National Sunflower Association executive director John Sandbakken says development is nearly two weeks ahead of normal in the Dakotas and Minnesota.

“We didn’t have a lot of snow this past winter and with the warm temperatures we had this spring, producers were out very early in the field this year to get the crop planted.”

He tells Brownfield ample heat and moisture this summer are other factors leading to an anticipated early harvest for many growers.

“Normally we would be into that October period, but this year I believe if we get the heat units in the next few weeks we’ll be harvesting in September.”

And price prospects are looking up, Sandbakken says.

“Sunflower prices have had a really nice rally here in the last two weeks.  There’s been a lot of demand for oil, (which is) starting to gain on meal as far as market share.”

Old crop sunflower prices have recently rebounded two dollars per hundredweight, and Sandbakken says new crop prices hit a new high of $18.50 last week.




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