
Transparency is no longer an option

How appropriate that on Halloween, Charlie Arnot, CEO of the Center for Food Integrity (CFI) brought his Food Fright presentation to the Ohio Agricultural Council fall member meeting.

Arnot talked about the need for increased transparency, because he says transparency is no longer an option.

“Really when anyone who has a cell phone can be a cinematographer you have to assume someone is watching everything you do all the time, I have consistently believed that agriculture should own and does own the ethical high ground, but the only way to reclaim that in today’s society is to be more transparent,” said Arnot. “That doesn’t mean you throw open the barn doors and say anybody who wants to come in any day just come on in, we need to manage the process and give information that’s relevant, but we’re going to have to do that, if we are going to build trust in today’s environment.”

And Arnot says a willingness to be more transparent will also mean engaging new skills when it comes to how we communicate with those outside of agriculture.

Audio: Charlie Arnot, Center for Food Integrity (4:15 mp3)

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