
U.S. corn condition rating up 1%

Programs ICON

The USDA says on average U.S. corn and soybeans continue to develop just ahead of schedule. Some key growing areas are behind average and parts of the Midwest are either drier or wetter than ideal, affecting development and impacting condition ratings.

As of Sunday, 85% of U.S. corn is at the dough making stage, compared to 76% typically this time of year, and 40% has dented, compared to the five year average of 35%. 75% of corn is rated good to excellent, up 1% on the week.

89% of soybeans are at the pod setting stage, compared to 85% normally, and 72% of the U.S. crop is in good to excellent condition, unchanged from a week ago.

65% of spring wheat has been harvested, compared to 46% on average.

51% of U.S. pastures and rangelands are in good to excellent shape, steady with last week.

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