
Winter wreaking havoc on many Midwest livestock producers

Rain, mud, ice and snow are wreaking havoc on many Midwest cattle farms.

Northeast Iowa cow/calf producer Willie Morris says he’s glad he moved about 70 percent of his cattle to southern Iowa when he ran out of grass in the fall.

“It’s been challenging no doubt. This is the most snow I can ever remember.”

Parts of northern Iowa have received more than 80 inches of snow so far this winter.

While he cleans up from a weekend blizzard at his home farm, Morris tells Brownfield two inches of rain recently fell in Davis County where most of his cattle are.

“We will certainly fight scours (because of the conditions). They have a lot more range (in southern Iowa), so they can take the pairs and kick them out and feed them out on pasture so they don’t fight the scours and coccidiosis.”

He says when the snow eventually melts and the rest of his cows return north, it will be a battle getting them on grass in a timely fashion.

Morris says another reason he’s happy most of his cattle are in southern Iowa is because hay is currently a lot cheaper there.

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