
TC Energy ends Keystone Pipeline, NEFB calls move ‘disappointing’

Nebraska Farm Bureau President Mark McHargue says the cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline is a major blow to the Midwest economy and its ag producers. “It’s just very disappointing.  I believe that the pipeline would’ve been good economically.  I believe that it had the safety standards built into it with new technology that it would’ve been safely transporting our energy needs.”

Canadian-based TC Energy terminated the pipeline Thursday after evaluating its progress since the Biden administration revoked the project’s federal permit in January.

McHargue tells Brownfield the cancellation will cost farmers and ranchers throughout the region. “It maybe just pennies but if we continually stop these types of projects, ultimately it will lead to higher costs.”

He says stakeholders need to remain ‘diligent’ on other infrastructure projects. “That they are done certainly in the right way but we got to make sure we continue to have access to both safe, affordable energy needs because farmers and ranchers consume a decent amount of energy.”

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts released a statement saying Nebraska “will not enjoy the benefit of the jobs and property-tax revenue” from the project.

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